11th testing @8a; others Late Arrival @10am

11th testing @8a; others Late Arrival @10am

NJGPA Testing for ALL Juniors, starting @ 8am

9th, 10th, & 12th graders have a Late Arrival @10am

The mandatory state graduation assessment (NJGPA) will be administered the week of March 10th. This includes 4 days of testing. Each day testing will begin at 8am and end by 10am.
Mon., 3/10 & Tues., 3/11 will be Math.
Wed., 3/12 & Thurs., 3/13 will be English.
All Juniors are required to test each day and will need to report to their testing room by 8am. Students will need to bring their school issued laptops fully charged each day to testing. More information, including testing rooms will be shared next week.
After testing each morning, students will follow a delayed opening bell schedule from 10am - 2:37pm.

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