I&RS » Intervention and Referral Services

Intervention and Referral Services

What is I&RS?
  • Teachers or specialists assisting a student at risk for school problems in a general education environment.
  • Focuses on particular student problems using available resources in a general education environment.
Functions of I&RS
The functions of the system of intervention and referral services in each school building shall be to: 
    1. Identify learning, behavior and health difficulties of students.
    2. Collect thorough information on the identified learning, behavior and health difficulties.
    3. Develop and implement action plans which provide for appropriate school or community interventions or referrals to school and community resources, based on the collected data and desired outcomes for the identified learning, behavior and health difficulties.
Phases of I&RS
Phase 1: Teacher requests intervention (RFA) via Microsoft Form on Mainland Website (Week 1)
     This form will go to Dr. Jacobs and be assigned to appropriate I&RS team

Phase 2: Collection of data (Weeks 2-3)
     Discussions with Teachers
     Observations of student (if necessary)
     Diagnostic Testing (if necessary)

Phase 3: Parent/Guardian Notification that Student will officially receive I&RS services (if determined at end of Phase 2) (Weeks 3-4)

Phase 4: Meet to develop Classroom Intervention/Action Plan (Week 4)

Phase 5: Implement Intervention and Referral Service Action Plan (Weeks 5-10) 

Phase 6: Meet to review Student's progress of Action Plan (Week 10)